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“Creativity is about experimenting — failing, failing again, failing better, as Beckett said.”

This is a wonderful interview with author Paul Theroux. Here’s an excerpt: “Naipaul was a deeply flawed man — tantrum-prone and depressive — but a magnificent writer. His great gift to me was of encouragement. Everyone needs it, not only writers. Everyone. Naipaul would say, after reading something of mine, “You’re going to be all …

How to Thrive in an Uncertain World

Humans naturally need answers and so typically find uncertainty aversive. With a presidential election, war erupting in multiple zones, rising climate volatility and myriad other types of flux, it’s easy to feel overwhelming angst for the future and see certainty as a beacon in a darkening time.

Is ADHD Coaching Effective for Teens?

The waves of distraction, impulsivity, and the gusts of disorganization can knock people with ADHD off course. However, a practical approach that has gained prominence in recent years is coaching for ADHD. There are three reasons why coaching can benefit individuals with ADHD.