It is never too early or too late to learn that you can . . .

Be organized • Get things done • Make choices • Trust yourself in social settings

You are ready for coaching if you are willing to try something different.

Coaching is a partnership.

And you have the answers. If you have a genuine desire to learn more about yourself and you are willing to explore new ways to solve problems that are holding you back from being who you want to be and doing what you want to do – you are ready. Let’s get started!


I welcome individuals with ADHD, autism & executive skills difficulties, early or late in life.

ADHD coaching starts with identifying your strengths. We also explore common ADHD barriers, such as limiting beliefs (“I can’t get started.” “It must be perfect.” “They hate me!” “It’s not worth applying for that job.” “I say too much!”) We partner together to respond to your inner critic in a compassionate way, based on the “possible person” inside of you – the person you want to be.

Can you do this? Of course.

As you learn about yourself and how your challenges affect you in your environment, you will use strategies you develop in coaching, and become the person you need and want to be wherever you go.


I’m Sara Prince, M.Ed., PCC, PCAC.

I am a certified ADHD coach.  

I believe in helping clients create meaningful outcomes by developing their self-awareness, understanding their individual strengths, preferences and challenges – and listening to themselves, so they may know and follow their dreams. 

It’s possible.

ADHD Coaching and Individualized Executive Skills Support
for School, Employment and Life

Work and Study Skills
(“Why Can’t I Get Started?”)
  • Develop organization and planning strategies, and routines that work at home, work and school (reading, writing, note-taking, test preparation)
Self-advocacy Skills
(“Why Won’t I Email?”)
  • Become a more confident student, employee, or public speaker
  • Understand your needs for success in your school, employment, and home setting 
Social Strategies
(“Why Did I just Say That?”)
  • Learn to “read the room” and understand what others expect in social interactions — at home, school, work, or with friends
  • Find the strength to make you a more successful communicator in person and online
  • Learn how to stop and “take a pause”
  • Make smart choices in unexpected moments


“Sara is so easy to talk to. Her warmth is genuine and generous; I feel respected and appreciated by her, even when I am feeling down on myself. Somehow I walk away from our sessions with new insights and resolve even when it’s something I’ve been working on for ages. She’s a gem.”


“Sara Prince is not only a remarkable person but an incredible coach. Her listening skills are amazing and her suggestions are spot on and so very helpful. She has calmed my struggles that she has helped me identify and given me a great deal of support in the process. I am grateful for her help and expertise.”


“Sara is authentic, warm, curious and to top it off, she has the most welcoming sense of humor that brings lightness and brightness to even the most challenging coaching sessions. She has a well developed intuition coupled with years of experience noticing and reading non-verbal cues.  These skills (among numerous others)  truly set her apart from other coaches.  After a session with Sara, I feel like I have been deeply heard, genuinely appreciated, and I always leave with a renewed enthusiasm to go off and be productive.”
